Police get new drugalyser testing kit

The police now have a new piece of technology in their arsenal to use at the roadside, they are nicknaming this technological breakthrough as the “drugalyser” which has recently been approved by the Home Office. Previously if the police suspected the use of the illegal substances they had to take you for a blood test which took a considerable amount of time giving the drugs the possibility of passing through your system without a trace.

The way that it will work now is this new drugalyser, if they suspect you are under the influence of drugs they’ll swab your mouth and look for the compound contained in cannabis called tetrahydrocannabinol, However to convict you they still need that blood test but the theory is that this roadside kit will make it much quicker to be eligible for the blood test.

They are very hopeful for the development of this new piece of kit. They believe it will be further developed in the foreseeable future to be capable of not just detecting cannabis, but other illegal drugs as well. The penalties if you’re found to be under the influence of illegal drugs are very similar to the penalties for drink driving thereforeare capable of damagaing your day to day life.

Also coinciding with this groundbreaking discovery Damian Green the Policing and Criminal Justice minister released a statement describing these drugged up drivers as a “menace to pedestrians, other motorists, and themselves” he was also determined to “ensure the police have access to new technology to ensure drug drivers are caught and punished.

Cannabis is the most widely used illegal drug in the United Kingdom, the reason they are really trying to crack down on not only this substance but this substance when mixed with driving, it becomes extremely dangerous. Cannabis slows down reaction times making a under the influence driver unable to stop if they came across a situation where they needed to avoid a collision.

A British medical journalist has come out and made a statement that “those driving under the influence of cannabis had nearly double the risk of a crash” which really hits the nail on the head at how dangerous this issue really is. The statement that the police are trying to get across here is think twice before abusing drugs and driving, it could kill someone.

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