Pregnancy Seatbelt

The PiXie harness is the true name of the first ever pregnancy seatbelt. A British inventor by the name of Stephen Watson developed this pregnancy seatbelt at the University of Bolton; the reason for it is it’s meant to be safer than a normal seatbelt for an unborn child, an extra form of protection. Stephen has created this innovative idea for a reason, statistics according to a survey completed by a motor research company shows that 64% of woman who are pregnant believe that seatbelts are dangerous for their unborn child. On top of this a further 87% of pregnant women are currently not wearing their seatbelts correctly which is a staggeringly scary statistic.

This product is the first ever seatbelt of its kind, a true gap in the market seen by Mr Watson. Don’t just take my word for it he also has awards to show for his invention with his two golden awards at the British invention of the year awards 2013. As well as making the belt for pregnant woman he has designed a slightly modified version to accommodate for small children and a further version for stoma patients with the possibility to expand the idea to further horizons. So far all these designs ideas have received a warm reception with the public, as it offers peace of mind to all the worrying soon to be mothers, parents with small children as well as offering more comfort to stoma patients.

The way the pregnancy seatbelt works is the traditional three point harness attaches to the PiXie harness which anchors the straps in such position that it is prevented from being stretched across the passengers baby bump, a rather simple solution. Despite all the progress the UK inventor Stephen Watson is lacking in the funds to distribute this product to a bigger audience so is looking for potential investors to widen the range of this product. Due to his massive success at the British invention of the year awards 2013 I have a positive feeling about the future of this product.

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