Printed Maps Vs Sat Navs
In recent years satellite navigate has seen a boom in sales but what about its almost forgotten predecessor the Road Atlas also referred to as a printed map? In-car satellite navigate is pushing ahead in terms of use for young drivers but what about the older generation are they still relying on their trusty road map? Apparently so as a poll of 24,000 drivers found that nearly two thirds of motorists had used a printed map within the last six months, 63%.
Which brings me to wonder, why? I know old habits die hard but Sat Navs now are far superior to using a map, they load quickly and find you the most appropriate routes to get you to your destination much quicker than that of a map. In order to use a map you also need to stop at the side of the road in order to read it, unless you are relying upon a navigator which can be even worse.
Despite this only just over 17% of drivers say that they solely rely on sat navs, whereas just over a third of people say they rely on both their sat nav and atlas at 35%. As originally assumed less than one in ten at 9% of over 65 year olds have ditched the printed maps altogether preferring the hard copy map.
Sat Navs will soon take over however as they become more advanced and as more and more cars have built in satellite navigation, thereforeit’s important that the country’s road networking companies can keep up with the pace of the changes, after all Atlas’s where rarely ever updated.
I suppose the question of all this is are you a mapper or a sat naver? What is the best method in your opinion.