Rent A Car, Save The Enviroment

Rent A Car, Save The EnviromentWhen renting a car you could be doing your bit for the environment or at least research seems to suggest so. When people come to hire cars it promotes more sustainable travel habits, its claimed that renting enables people to own fewer cars or just avoid car ownership all together as it can be a most cost effective way if you aren’t a regular car user, when you have your own car you tend to use it less efficiently and make trips that you could avoid or seek an alternative transport eg public transport or walking to the shop where if you had a car then you would use it.

It’s also shown that rental cars are in general more efficient due to the routes people take, with many rental cars having GPS in them the drivers look to cut costs and go less miles in order to get to their destination since it’s just an added cost of fuel on top of the rental car. Next time you come to rent a car just think you could be saving the environment!

There’s no point owning a car you may not need if you can just hire it on the same day. Indigo offer car hire on the same day at great prices that would be a more efficient option than owning a car and not using it. Save some money and save the planet by hiring a car to do your occasional travel. Amongst car rental other things that improved the environment where car clubs, car sharing and a pay-as-you-go motoring option which all reduced on average the Co2 emissions of the users. This research was carried out by British Vehicle Rental and Leasing Association which fully support the reduction of Co2 emissions by these various methods.

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