Road Tolls Destined for Britain?
The government have been said to be planning to build a tolling booth on the M4 motorway and it’s not a popular choice with the Britons. A staggering 70% of people are actually opposed to tolling the motorways, what makes us so different from our American counter parts they tax almost every road going! Possibly the underlining reason why we are so against it is the fact that the country on a whole are already paying £48 billion pounds worth of other motoring taxes that you are already required to pay.
Road Tolls Destined for Britain?
Fuels on the increase, VAT is on the increase everything is on the increase as the cost of living sores how can they justify adding a toll booth on one of the main roads in Britain? There seems to be an overall unanimous agreement that adding toll booths in Britain is the wrong thing to do. Major companies are against the change such as big names like RAC and AA furthermore even the Tax’s payer’s alliance are against it. The main political party also opposing the change is UKIP which is strange as they usually only take stance on EU related issues.
With all the opposition to the introduction of the toll booth can the government still go ahead? Back in 2007 1.8 million people signed a petition in order to keep toll booths off of Britain’s roads. The government’s line of defence is the introduction of the M6 toll and London congestion charges which haven’t proved as unpopular with the public as first thought.
This has only become reality quite recently however many predicted that tolls would be introduced last year in march when David Cameron called for more “private investment” which many say was just a way of hiding the dreaded words “toll booth”.
What’s your opinion on toll booths being introduced on a larger scale? Will it solve the economic crisis or worsen it.