Ryanair Keeps 1st Place For International Passengers

Ryanair the well-established low cost airline budget has been known as one of the big competitive airlines in the industry today partially due to it being one of the lowest cost airlines out there. Established in 1984 Ryanair has had serious growth from the tiny airline it once was Ryanair is now the hub of several airports worldwide and fly’s to hundreds of locations internationally and its always been one of the busiest international airliners and this was rewarded last year when Ryanair welcomed just shy of 80 million passengers for international flights which topped all other airliners and got crowned the biggest international airliner of the year, a long way to come for a 29 year old airline still considered the new kid on the block.

Ryanair’s 80 million flights rises high above its competition with second place Lufthansa having 50.8 million and third place easyJet having 44.6 million which are still respectable figures but blown out of the water by the statistics displayed by Ryanair. The airliner expected to carry more than 81.5 million passengers in this year and it’s just been confirmed by IATA statistics that Ryanair is once again the world’s favourite airline with more international scheduled passengers than any other carrier. How long will Ryanair continue to head the international airline market? Will their low-costs ever be beaten?

It comes as no surprise that they are on track for this year’s most international passengers with them having 29 million more passengers than the nearest competing airline in the previous year unless Lufthansa makes serious improvements or Ryanair decreases rapidly there is no end in sight to Ryanair’s domination of the international market. The Irish based company is still and set to be for a long time the world’s favourite airline.

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