Silliest Excuses For Not Having A Tax Disc
Introduced in 1889 the vehicle licence or more commonly known as tax disc is a circular disc that is three inches in diameter and is to be displayed on a vehicle as evidence it has paid its vehicle excise duty. As you can most likely imagaine there are a few people who try to avoid paying for a tax disc, surprisingly it’s not as high as I first assumed with 99% of vehicle owners paying their tax or declaring their vehicle off road.
There is a few who ruin it however but we aren’t going to go into depth about that, we want to look at the lighter side of people who “forget” to pay their tax. The DVLA who are the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency are the ones in charge of ensuring that everyone has a tax disc. If you are found by the DVLA without a tax disc then you can face a heavy fine which can further escalate into being clamped, impounded or ultimately crushed. What comes hand in hand with strict rules? Excuses, although a small percentage there are a handful of people who still get caught with a tax disc every now again and with such serious implications who can blame them for having a go at weaselling their way out of it?
The DVLA receive several excuses, explanations and other various attempts to get out of paying the fine for not having a tax disc, some of these are hilarious. The DVLA have comically compiled the top silliest excuses for not having a tax disc for our own personal entertainment. So what are some of the silliest and strangest excuses for flouting the law?
5. I had man flu and couldn’t go to the Post Office.
A the famous man flu strikes again, a very legitimate excuse indeed. I do however think that your not tricking the DVLA with this one.
4. I fell out of a tree picking plums and broke both my arms.
Viable however again it didn’t make it past the DVLA this time. Maybe you should try again next year, if you have a car.
3. I’ve been out of the country for four months and I forgot where I parked my car.
It happens to the best of us, doesn’t it? Fortunately for you I think the DVLA has located it for you.
2. My dog ate the reminder.
A personal childhood favourite, isn’t it everyone’s? Some people just never grow up.
1. I was on my way to the Post Office to tax the car and called into the betting shop – there was a horse running at Doncaster called “Don’t Do It” so I bet on that with my car tax money instead – it lost.
Maybe you should have listened to the name “Don’t Do It”. Ohhh wait I see what you did there, very funny. You’re still getting a fine.
All these excuses didn’t manage to trick the DVLA despite the obvious thought that had gone into some of them. Its easier than ever before to tax your car with digital services also available any time of day or night so the moral of the story is that you should pay your car tax as chances are you won’t get away with it, or be able to trick the DVLA that easily, they’ve heard it all before, judging by these excuses anyway.