Speed Limit Increase U-Turn

We reported a few weeks back about the Government being pretty set to change the speed limit from the traditional 70mph and hiking it to 80mph, there seemed to be very little opposition to the change. Now however this has taken an apparent U-Turn with the current transport secretary saying that safety would be compromised. This however was strongly disagreed by Philip Hammond the former transport secretary who believes that the speed limit increase would save millions of pounds due to faster journey times as well as being safer.

Since however Patrick McLoughlin is the current transport secretary he appears to be not as convinced and seems to be sending the plans to the tip. Concerned with safety was only one of his arguments, he also pointed out that the previous transport secretary had forgotten that a large amount of company cars had come fitted with speed limiters and also the fact that travelling at 80 instead of 70 increases the amount of carbon emissions. Travelling at 80 however brings one positive, it saves a large amount of time on your travel which will save the economy a large amount of money or so Philip Hammond said despite it possibly costing more in fuel for the person driving however.

The plans of the increase seem as though they are definitely not going to happen under Patrick McLoughlin being adamantly set against the 80mph limit idea. Just last week the plans for the 80mph limit or so Stephen Hammond said where completely on track and looked destined to happen however it appears to have taken a very sharp U-Turn and is now on the verge of being scrapped all together even after the trials in certain areas have brought no cause for concern as such.

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