Standard Road Signs Destined For UK?
There is consideration over a proposal that the UK should adopt the European road signs although some of our road signs are a bit strange, that’s not the reason for the change. The reason for the change is that new cars will feature a camera that scans the road ahead for signs, it takes into account the shape, colours and fonts in order to display the road sign on your dashboard. Some of today’s cars already have this technology however if we adopted the standard road signs a lot more vehicles would be able to have it as it would be much easier to develop a system which is reliable.
It is of course essential that this new technology is reliable as it can be important if people eventually come to rely upon the dash for signs. Car manufacturers are relying upon European countries making the change to these specific signs as almost every European location has different signs, the issue as always with this is that there is a cost involved which it is unsure whether the European Commission will be willing to pay.
The European proposed road signs will be far more simply to understand than the current outdated UK road signs and likely improve safety. There are a lot of difference in the road signs across Europe however so it is very unclear as to how they are going to teach people who are already driving the differences between the new and the old, surely they can’t just introduce them without making people aware, how would they go about doing it surely they couldn’t make every driver on the road retake their theory test, replacing every road sign is a major thing. They would also have to change the theory part of the driving test or at least the category on road signs.