Stansted score triple

London’s Stansted airport has always been known as a great hub for low cost airliners around the world. The two airports that are of main competition for low cost airlines to Stansted are a rival English airport Luton and Berlin Schonefeld. The annual World airport awards has several awards and accolades for airports around the world including the best overall airport, the best terminal, most improved airport, worlds best domestic airport and many more.

Amongst these awards is the World’s best low cost airline which Stansted have won in two previous years prior to this year. The award is decided by several important aviation representatives and regular different passengers of worldwide airports making it an important award to come away with especially for Stansted just after their recent takeover by M.A.G (Manchester airport group). Stansted staff are under pressure to bring their airport up in standard as it was once labelled the world’s fastest growing airport but it never really grew to its potential and has recently been on a downward slope.

Although previously winning the award twice coming back with this one in particular was a must for Stansted and they managed to do so as the title suggests “Stansted score triple” with their third time winning the award in as many years. The accolade means Stansted can keep its status of the worlds leading low cost airport which could prove severe importance to the profits, if they had missed out on the award there was a good chance Stansted could slip into a further dip as it has already slipped behind its competing Manchester airport dropping from an annual 23 million passengers in 2008 to now being only 17 million passengers as of 2012, Manchester airport overtook Stansted earlier in the year and almost instantly bought the struggling airport maybe hoping to give Stansted a leaf out of Manchester’s book. Heathrow also came away with the best terminal award which they won for their terminal 5.

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