DVLA Opening Times

When you come to hiring a car you will be required to present the paper counter part of your licence, this second part is vital to being allowed to hire a vehicle in the UK. We realise that many people misplace or lose this counter part piece as it is only bit of paper; there is however something we can do so that you will still be able to get a vehicle.

The DVLA or Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency being its full name is the UK’s driving body who keep all the registers of vehicles and drivers on the roads in Britain. We can contact the DVLA on your behalf when you arrive at your location and check the details on your counterpart and still be able to give you a rental vehicle.

This call usually costs you an extra £10 as it is a premium rate phone line so please make sure that you know whether you have points or convictions on your licence as if you do you still won’t be able to hire a car. Typically you can only have up to 6 points on your licence and have no major convictions such as a DR10 or IN10 in the last five years.

The only issue when doing this is that you need to make sure the at the time you are arriving to pick up the vehicle the DVLA are open to answer the phone call and give your details to the rental company. The DVLA Opening Times for driver check service are…

DVLA Opening Times

Monday – Friday: 8:00am to 5:30pm
Saturday: 8am – 1pm
Sunday: Closed
Bank Holidays: Closed

If you are arriving when the DVLA is closed and do not have the counterpart section of your licence then we may still be able to help, but you will need to contact us before making a booking to ask about a Pre-DVLA Check.

If you are interested in hiring a car but don’t have your counter part of your licence then call us to find out all the options that you have available to you. You can reach our experienced and knowledgeable advisors on +44 (0)113 880 0748 or email us at sales@thealternativeagency.co.uk.

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The Out Of Hours DVLA Check

When you hire a car in the UK and live within the country yourself then you are required to bring your counterpart in order to be given the vehicle. As you may imagaine, several people have lost or misplaced their counterpart and the solution is fairly simple, the car rental company calls the DVLA on your behalf in order to get all the details required. The only issue with this however is that you can only check with the DVLA during opening hours.

If you arrive at the desk when the DVLA is open then the car rental company will call them, you do however have to pay a fee of about £10 as the call is a premium call which you will need to fund.

The DVLA is open from 8am to 7pm Monday – Friday, on Saturday 8am to 2pm and on Sunday it’s closed. This of course can be an issue so to counter this we have come up with a solution; one of our suppliers will allow you to hire a car without your counterpart as long as you sign an indemnity form. It can be quite a confusing process but we are happy to explain it to you before you book. We will always ask if you have a counterpart and try identify this as an issue before you book, just in case however please let us know that you don’t have your second part of your licence so that we can either make sure the rental company contact the DVLA or we arrange an out of hour alternative.

We realise that it can be quite tricky to get your head around and but if you are arriving out of DVLA hours we assure you there is a solution. Simply call our experienced and knowledgeable reservation agents on +44 (0)113 880 0748 or email them at sales@thealternativeagency.co.uk and they will help find a solution for you.

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