A Weekend With Eminem – Travelling Diary

In April Number One Son announces that he would like to go to the Eminem concert in Wembley in July. He declares he is determined to go and if he can´t find anyone to go with he will go on his own, The good thing about Eminem is that at the advanced age of 41 he in fact appeals to a couple of generations so I decide to look into the logistics of actually going along with him and making the trip his 18th birthday present.

First problem- my son, having been brought up in Spain, went to live in Manchester last year to study. I still live in Spain, so in fact neither of us are very near London or Wembley. The logistics of getting there and the prospective cost of doing so, also of staying in and getting around London are problematic to say the least. Lots of “googling” on forums and websites ensues, I am not familiar with big cities any more and my son has never been to London, so I want to find the easiest way of doing it on a limited budget. I book the tickets for the Saturday night and then there is no going back.

I first look for a flight to get me from Alicante to London. July is a busy month and it is hard to find a bargain. I discover that as Stansted seems a lesser used airport out of the centre of London, the flights are considerably cheaper than to Gatwick. I find a very, very cheap flight on the Friday night with Ryanair, only 49 euros, I book it, then look at how to get my son there. One possibility is by train, but as he has to change twice in London and he has never before been on a train alone in his life, I doubt that my nerves can stand the worry of wondering if he has got the connection ok. So I look at coaches, National Express has a coach with only one change at Victoria, only 22 pounds, and arriving at 12.15 am at Stansted, 40 minutes after my plane lands. This seems perfect so is duly booked. There is much moaning from Number One Son as it is a 7 hour journey, but to be honest it isn’t that much quicker by train, which is double the price, besides the complicated changes involved.

I then book us in for that night at the Premier Inn Stansted, fantastic value at only 38 pounds for a twin room. There is a shuttle bus leaving at 12.30 am and another at 13.00 to take us the mile to the hotel, so it seems to be ideal. Return flights are booked for both of us, my son will come back to Spain with me for a holiday, and again I find flights with Ryanair on the Monday morning for just under 50 euros. The good price for the flights means that I can book us extra leg room each, only ten euros with Ryanair and a must for my son as he is rather tall at 6 foot 4, and better for me as I am a very nervous passenger and like to sit at the front and not cramped in at the back.

The next question is getting from Stansted to Wembley, and then back again, as I am at that moment thinking we will probably stay at the Premier Inn. It´s time to look at public transport, but just the thought of using the tube sends me into a panic. I have lived in a tiny, sleepy village in Spain for 18 years and feel lost in big cities. Then I have the idea of renting a car to take us there and that means that from the concert I can go to Reading to visit an old friend and stay with them for the Saturday and Sunday night. This definitely proves to be my best idea.

I contact Indigo Car Hire, and they arrange a 2 day hire for me from the airport for 69.95 pounds, with only a 60 pounds deposit. I know with Indigo that the price I am quoted will be the final price and that there won´t be any hidden extras or surprises. They arrange it through Avis. I book parking at Wembley and we are all set.

The tickets finally arrive and there is much excitement. Finally, the 11th of July arrives and I am off to Stansted. The weather is cold and foggy, so foggy that the plane has to circle for about 30 minutes before landing. Not the best thing for a nervous passenger such as myself. Number One Son¨s coach arrives 2 hours late at 2.15 a.m and after an early morning Burger King we finally get a taxi to the hotel which is only a mile away.

The sun shines the next day and we set off back to the airport to collect the car. We have predictably got up late and Number One Son wants another Burger King. I have forgotten how expensive it is to feed a teenager, especially a very tall one. I ring Indigo to say we will be about an hour late in picking up the car. No problem. We arrive at the Avis desk and literally within 15 minutes we are driving the car away direction Wembley. We are careful to check the car over and find an extra scratch to what is marked on the paperwork, It is very important to check this as otherwise you could be blamed for the damage when you return the car. This is resolved instantly and off we go.

The concert is fantastic, although the support acts are not brilliant Eminem is electrifying and the atmosphere of 80, 000 people is overwhelming. Also overwhelming is the the price of 10 pounds for 2 bottles of beer. After I have picked myself up off the floor I pay it reluctantly as really I feel you cant be at an Eminem concert without having at least one drink. Good job I am driving and not able to drink more anyway. Insipid hot dogs are also 5 pounds, Burger King is looking more desirable by the second.

The concert finishes and one negative issue is the two hour wait to get out of the car park. This is mainly caused by police controls but it has to be said there are no problems with drunken or drugged up concert goers. The atmosphere is very relaxed and tranquil.

We drive to Reading where we stay at a friends house for the next two nights. I get a taste of English weather on the Sunday as I am sat in a lovely country pub garden one minute in the sun, and 5 minutes later it is raining cats and dogs and we have to come in. Ah but that’s what I miss. As an ex pat it is amazing how you can miss summer rain and country pubs. However, prices are better in Reading. Everything costs a fiver in London even a coffee and a coke. Living in Spain, that is a shock to the system.

Monday morning we are up early and off to catch our flight back to Alicante. There is a petrol station just outside the airport so I am able to return the car full and reclaim my petrol deposit. Not only that but we have our last fast food fix of a MacDonalds breakfast at the services. The car is diesel and I only have to replace 28 pounds of petrol. The car is returned with the minimum of fuss and again within five minutes we are in the airport and heading for the departure gates and three hours later we are in Spain.

What a great trip. The whole thing was definitely made easier by having a hire car instead of battling with unfamiliar public transport that for two people would have worked out more expensive, and much less convenient. Hiring a car makes your trip more comfortable, less stressful and in our case more cost effective. Hiring through a company like Indigo gives you peace of mind and the knowledge there will be no nasty expensive surprises when you collect your vehicle. Can´t wait for the next trip.

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