Technology That Can Save Lives

Technology That Can Save LivesThe CU80 could prove a device to save lives. Its a mass USB like device that can be plugged into a car near the steering wheel, the CU80 operates by blocking the use of laptops, mobile phones any tech related devices. This will hopefully prevent the use of mobile phones when driving is illegal in this country and is a huge problem, if caught with a mobile phone then you can ultimately been fined £60 and receive 3 points on your licence. There are several advertising campaigns and protests in order to get people to stop using the phone in their car, its dangerous. Using a mobile can result in dangerous driving and ultimately death of either those around or the driver.

With technologys advances of the recent time most the world are using technology every day including a massive amount using handheld devices. When driving handheld devices can distract the driver but the CU80 stops this, it can be easily installed and the range of the device is able to change in order to suite your car. The only downfall of this is it has to be installed by the driver so although great many who are guilty of being on their mobile may not install the system, however it may take away the temptation if someone happened to get a text whilst driving or even the system could be installed if it was in a business car or rental car.

This device is truly a good piece of kit, it allows the use of handsfree devices if you ask it too. It also can allow the use of mobile phones when the car is stationary but when it starts to move then it issues the block again. Driving with a mobile phone or any other handheld device is a serious matter so anything to do with preventing this is seen as a positive development by many and could even save lives as many accidents are due to the lack of vigilance when using a handheld device.

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