The £50,000 Pint

One pint could cost you a total of £50,000, how you may ask? If you decide that after having a few drinks that you were going to drive home you may be in for a rather unexpected bill. If you are caught drink driving along with the DR conviction you can also have an estimated total expenditure of £50,000. Research was done into driver who got caught drink driving and got banned from the road as to how much they would have to spend in the time they were banned until they get back on the road again.

This works by adding up all the costs of a drink driving convictions, first of all right off the bat it’s going to cost £5,000 which is the original fine. Furthermore if you plead not guilty in court then it will cost you an extra £4,800 in typical average legal costs, the price of insuring a car after your ban has expired can be up to £8,000. Such a conviction can also cost you your job due to you not being able to drive and if it doesn’t cost you your job your lucky enough to have to find another form of transportation which alone will cost a lot given that you have an average wage let’s say £33,000 would be the total cost of the job loss. This gives a demonstrated total of just over £50,000 all for that one pint too many.

This research has been brought forward by THINK! The government campaign group, In appeal for people to stop drink driving and make them aware of all the potential hidden costs that can be incurred if you are found to be drink driving. Don’t pay £50,000 for a pint, it’s not worth it, don’t drink and drive.

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