A third of motorists use their mobile phone whilst behind the wheel!
The use of a mobile phone whilst behind the wheel in the UK was banned in December in 2003. If caught by the police, you can be charged up to a £60 fine, and receive a CU80 conviction code, which equates to 3 points on your license. Although the consequences are somewhat serious, people still break the law as over 1 million people have been caught since the law was introduced.
A study by insurance company Liverpool Victoria highlighted that over 20% of drivers think that driving whilst using a phone is acceptable, with many admitting to using their phones to check Facebook and twitter whilst driving.
Research has shown that using a mobile phone whilst driving is as dangerous as driving whilst under the influence of alcohol. The study that was conducted showed that those who were on their mobile phones whilst driving were just as likely to crash the vehicle as those who were under the influence. Of the three drivers that took part in the study, all of them crashed into the back of the test car, whilst talking on a mobile.
Technology is slowly helping to combat the problem of using your mobile phone whilst driving, with Bluetooth and Hands-free communication tools a popular choice for those with newer vehicles. Those with older vehicles do not have this option, or choose not to use it.
Even though this technology is trying to help those who still need to use a mobile phone whilst driving, it is yet to assist the police in catching offenders. Currently there is a device that is used by selected police forces, that uses laser technology to catch those in the act from up to half a mile away.