Toll Roads In Switzerland
We got asked a very interesting question the other day about toll roads in Switzerland and if our cars came with a Vignette. The answer to this unfortunately is no, Vignettes are however compulsory in Switzerland so it is essentially that you buy one which you can do at any petrol station. Basically the Vignette is a sticker on the front of your car which indicates you have paid for the toll roads which are all 1 and 2 class roads, the Grand St. Bernhard Tunnel and Munt la Schera are not included, essentially the Vignette is road tax.
**Not having a valid Vignette on your vehicle can result in cash fines of around 200 Franks**
In what vehicles is a Vignette compulsory?
– The Vignette is compulsory in all motor vehicles
Vignettes are paid for one year periods, I’m hiring a car for a short duration can I buy a short term vignette?
– Unfortunately no, you can’t. Vignettes are only issued yearly and the laws enforced will not allow you to buy one for a shorter period.
Can I keep my Vignette when I leave and use it if I return?
– This isn’t allowed, once a Vignette is removed from the windscreen it is invalidated and cannot be fixed to another windscreen.
It’s irritating and a bit of a pain that you have to pay these Vignette’s however it’s law in Switzerland and there is no other way around it. Below you will find a detailed map about which roads require a Vignette and which don’t.
If you need to be more informed about the Vignette in Switzerland then please call us directly on +44 (0)113 880 0748 or email us at and we will be happy to help answer any questions that you may have.