Top 5 Essential Items For Winter Driving

We all know that driving in winter can be dangerous and there are a lot of things we can do to make sure we are doing it as safely as possible. We even carry a boot full of products to help us if we get stuck, or at we should do.
- Anti freeze
- Screenwash concentrate
- De-ice spray
- Ice-scraper
- Foldable shovel
- De-mist pad
- Snow socks
- Torch and batteries
- First aid kit
- Jumper cables
- Blanket
- Visibility vest
- Gloves
- Scarf
- Warm clothes
- Water
There are endless lists of what you should and shouldn’t do and what to carry in your car, all of which are useful in their own way, for me I just carry the essentials unless there is a chance I might end up in Alaska, so here are our Top 5 Essential Items For Winter Driving.
1. Mobile Phone & Charger
Doesnt tend to appear on a lot of these lists but we think this is the most important tool to have incase of an accident or emergency. We do not condone the use of mobile phones while driving but we do think you should always be prepared and be able to contact the emergency services or family when the car is parked.
2. Shovel
While it might not look like much, a compact folding shovel is plenty big enough to use when digging your car out of the snow. This little shovel could be the diference between spending the night at home infront of the fire or curled up in the car at the side of the road.
3. Food
It’s exceptionally rare for anyone to be stranded during a winter blizzard for more than a day. Long-term rations aren’t really necessary, but keeping a few energy bars and a plastic bottle or two of sugary energy drink wouldn’t hurt. Why the latter? The electrolytes and sugars significantly lower the concoction’s freezing point, ensuring you’ll still have liquid when you need it.
Non-perishable, high-energy food like unsalted canned nuts, dried fruits, or hard candy. These types of foods can last long periods of time in your car, and can be especially useful if you become stranded.
4. Sunglasses
They aren’t just for the summer months. When wintery precipitation coats every surface in water, snow, and ice, extremely bright reflections cause sun glare which seriously impairs vision. This reflective glare is particularly dangerous while driving. Keeping a pair of “shades” in your vehicle will help you see on those sunny winter days.
5. De-Icer & Scraper
There should be no excuse for not having these in the car. De-icer isnt just for clearing your windscreen first thing in the morning. Your windows could freeze up after being parked for 10 minutes depending on the temperature. De-icer can also be used on locks and other car parts to help in very cold conditions.
So there we go, although there are many things that you can and possibly do carry in your car during winter, providing you have our Top 5 Essential Items For Winter Driving among them then you will give yourself a better chance of reaching your destination.
Look out for more tips on winter driving coming soon.