Top 5 Scariest Airports

There are several people that find the whole idea of flying and being on a plane in general quite a scary thought, you haven’t seen anything yet! There are airports around the world which even the most experienced pilots find a challenge, that’s not something you want to know as a passenger believe me. Here are the top 5 scariest airports in the world…
#5 Nantucket Memorial Airport
Nantucket Memorial Airport is located in USA, Massachusetts and the reason this small airport is so scary is because of the fog. Pilots have to depend purely on their instruments because of their impaired vision. The fog gets so bad at Nantucket airport that seeing the run way just isn’t an option. You definitely don’t want to be a passenger landing at this airport on a foggy day, which by the way is almost all the time!
#4 Toncontin International Airport
This International airport, yes international is definitely one of the scariest in the world. As well as the pilot having to navigate round steep mountains and extremely windy conditions it must also make a 45 degree turn in order to line up the run way, your literally a gust of wind away from an accident!
#3 Gibraltar Airport
One you may have heard of, Gibraltar Airport. You may think the reason it’s so scary is down to the fact it’s quite close to water when you land however that’s only the tip of the iceberg. This British territory has a main highway running across the airports run way, this takes level crossings to a whole new level. I suppose it won’t be as bad news for you as it would for the car that you hit.
#2 Yeager Airport
Make an airport on top of a flat mountain? Why not it sounds like a great idea! It’s not. The danger comes when you realise that the plane can easily overshoot the destination to a steep decline off the edge of the runway and down a cliff with an extremely unforgiving and steep decline.
#1 Barra Airport
Flights delayed? You better not hope that it’s too late as this airport doesn’t play friendly with nature. You know when you have to leave the beach because its high tide and its completely covering all the sand? That’s the least of your worries. Barra airport is located on a beach and sure enough during high tide the complete runway is covered in water, at least you will never have to clean the runway. Barra Airport is situated in the outer Hebrides in Scotland and is the only airport to use a tidal beach as a runway.