Top 5 Speeding Offences in the UK

speeding driverThere are several speeding offences every year in the UK with 63% admitting to knowing they have broken the speed limit. Many ignore the rules of the road and put peoples lives at risk but what are the most dangerous cases? Some of these statistics may be quite shocking to some but rest assured all these offences were caught.

1. The most serious case recorded in 2012 was that of a driver on the the A47 recorded at 161 mph.

2. On the M6 Toll road the police caught a speeding car hitting 141 mph.

3. A car also managed to hit 138 mph on the A933 where they were also caught by the Tayside police.

4. Following closely behind on the A31 there was a case of someone hitting 137 mph.

5. Lastly the slowest of the bunch a recorded case also caught by the police was a car that hit 135mph on the A38.

Who are the main culprits you may ask?
As you may have guessed people with more prestigious cars are more likely to break the speeding limit with 14% of those who own Porsche’s or Aston Martins having a speeding infringement on their licence.

Also apparently if you live in Bournemouth you are as more likely to break the speeding laws as there are around 12% of drivers in the area that have points for speeding on their licence followed closely behind by Dorchester and Liverpool.

There are also occupations that are also more likely to break the speeding limit with Operations Directors and Surgeons having around 23% of those in either career with a speeding infringement, where are health care worked and driving instructors are less likely with around 3% of which having speeding fines.

Maybe the person who hit 161 mph on the A47 was an Operations Detector in Bournemouth with an Aston Martin, beware if you find yourself meeting these criteria you may be in for a slight bit of turbulence.

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