Travel Clot Awareness Campaign

Blood clots are rare during travel but it’s defiantly worth raising awareness as it still occurs in those who are at higher risk. Deep-vein thrombosis or Pulmonary embolism the medical name for the type of blood clot mostly caused by air travel is caused by being crammed into a small area without moving for a long period of time, the longer the flight the bigger the risk proposed the guideline is that after 4 hours you are at a much greater risk so its advised that you follow the necessary precautions in order to prevent such an event happening, There are several groups that run Travel clot awareness campaigns so follow their guidelines in order to prevent the chance of falling victim to a travel related blood clot.

There are several prevention methods and guidelines on what to do and what not to do, here is the list of all the things that affect the chance of having a blood clot and the things to avoid when your flying a long distance.

How to minimise risk

1. Move around when possible, every hour get up out of your seat and have a little walk around to move the blood flow through your legs
2. Drink plenty of fluids like water
3. Wear loose clothing
4. Don’t cross your legs as it restricts blood flow to the legs
5. Avoid sleeping pills or resting for a long time

You have an increased risk if you

1. Drink alcohol or caffeine on the flight
2. If you are older than 65
3. If you have a history of blood clots or a inherited clotting disorder
4. Pregnancy
5. Obesity

Beware of the symptoms when flying as well as it could save your life. There are several things to look out for such as swelling in the legs or pain, skin discolouration, skin being warm to the touch, sudden shortness of breath, Chest pain or rapid heart rate and unexplained coughing. When you next go on a flight beware of all the health risks that come with it and make sure you are suitable to fly to avoid any potential issues.

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