Two Runway Or Not Two Runway
Despite the title pun “to be or not to be” from none less than William Shakespeare, it’s a serious matter for Gatwick tonight it will be decided if a second runway will be built at Gatwick airport due to discussions about the possible runway expansion although tonight isn’t definitive as by the time this plan is set into place there will be a new government who are not bound to the actions, it’s definitely a step in the right direction. Many people think that the second runway expansion is essential to Gatwick and the local economy.
Even if the expansion goes ahead do we even remember how to build a runway? This may sound sill but London and the South East are one of the most connected regions in the world however probably the most successful in not building runways. The last full runway ever built in the South East was by Americans during the Second World War, despite Gatwick’s 50 year attempt at having a runway expansion and as of yet reaping no results.
Things look to be changing however, Gatwick is on the verge of breaking the so far unsuccessful barrier and getting the second runway they so desperately want and need. What makes the expansion so important now? What’s the change from the old Gatwick 50 years ago? Gatwick’s largest airline easyJet are set to have a new successor who needs to be impressed, the airport will be at max capacity by the early 2020’s and finally the introduction of highly efficient and quieter aircraft will call for even more capacity.
So what is it that Gatwick has to offer compared to its old self? The airport has transformed itself over the last three years with a vibrant growing community and secure economic wealth as well as vision and ambition all adds together to make a strong case to the Airports Commission to go ahead with the runway. On top of this Gatwick, well Gatwick deserves it, the airport contributes £2 billion a year to the region and employs over 23,000 people on the airport and 13,000 people off airport and with a new run way it’s said they could create an extra 19,000 jobs.
The real concerns in the argument against the expansion are the extra housing that will be needed in the area, the potential for road and rail congestion and what everyone has been moaning about the additional extra runway noise. On top of which Heathrow have also put together a nice proposal for an additional runway but this will likely take jobs away from Gatwick which will have a huge negative impact on the airport.