VW Campervan Production Halted

The famous and iconic VW Campervan is to become on for the classic collectors and with a lifetime that spanned over half a century Volkswagen have announced that they plan to stop its production. The best loved Volkswagen vehicle, the quirky campervan has come to an end. The last line of production was in Brazil and they have just recently announced that with the introduction of tougher safety regulations on the production process it had to end.

The concept was originally pretty risky by Volkswagen as it was somewhat of a first to have a van which looked different to any vehicle on the road with a free interior for well, camping in style. Originally drawn as a doodle in 1947 it took the world by storm when it was eventually released, the poor aerodynamics of the first prototypes were poor but it didn’t put people off, it was all in the design appeal, since they have been through numerous changes and configurations to make improvements but all stuck to a similar design that we all love.

Perhaps it’s a good thing they decided to stop its production, the new safety regulations would require a drastic changes to the vehicle we know and love. It would have to be changed in terms of design which would differentiate it from the historical version which is the reason people purchase the campervan, without its unique looks sales would surely decrease.

Back in 1950 the Volkswagen type 2 was produced, or the Campervan as it is often referred to. Since it has had a continuous production meaning this will surely mark the end of an era, your chance to snap up a campervan before they finished production is still possible, the last of the vehicles was produced on 31st December however you may still be able to get one of the new ones at certain dealerships.

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