What Cars Are The Most Reliable?
The recession still ragaing on many are wanting to reduce their total expenditure and one of the main costs is that of a car. This in mind many people want to reduce the amount of money they spend on their car, one way to do this is ensure that you get a reliable model and that it lasts you a long time without having to be repaired as repairs can foot a hefty bill. So what are the most reliable models of car that will save you the most money?
If your planning on saving money with your car then you need to stay away from models such as Vauxhalls, BMW’s, Audis and Porsche’s as they all have a near to 40% failure rate! Especially with Porsche having a 39% failure rate and an average repair cost of £623 and only averagaing the mileage of 38,742 before needing a repair. What are the top 5 most reliable models you may ask?
5. Subaru
A surprising feature the Subaru does an average 57,403 miles before it kicks the bucket and needs a repair which on average will cost you £337, the Subaru has a failure rate of around 20% which is very respectable.
4. Suzuki
Another shock feature the Suzuki will do 35,612 miles on average before it decides to pack in which will give you on average the slightly lower bill of £265, the Suzuki only has a 19% failure rate.
3. Lexus
A Lexus on average does an impressive and respectable 51,016 miles before costing you a total £433 on average which is slightly steep but not too bad. The Lexus also only has an 18% failure rate.
2. Toyota
One I expected to be up there, a Toyota will get you 47,610 miles before costing you on average £384 a long with a small failure rate of 17%.
1. Honda
Quite surprisingly however the top car for reliability is the Honda, the Honda will do an average of 47,190 miles and only cost an average price of repair £361 with a tiny 10% failure rate impressive, didn’t expect that one.