Why Is Plane Food So Bad?
Plane food lets be blunt is horrible. The soggy green goo or yellow runny mess isn’t at all appetising, with hundreds of passengers thousands of feet up. When hunger strikes however eating is a must especially if you’re on a long flight you just can’t avoid the vile food. So what is it that makes airliners get it so wrong when it comes to getting the food right? Its not a subject they have been taking lightly with the main airliners trying their hardest to serve the best food in the sky possible, even world renown chef Heston Blumenthal tried and failed, a challenge fit for kings.
The attention to detail from the world renowned chefs Luke Mangan, Carlo Cracco, Heston Blumenthal and Joel Robuchon has marginally caused room for improvements on major airlines. In a bid to step up their game various different airlines hired these celebrity chefs and for the most part, there wasn’t really too many improvements bar minor breakthroughs, basically the food is still disgusting. Even with the celebrity chefs improvements its often found that the average Joe passenger won’t benefit from such breakthroughs as it’s only an option for those premium passengers.
The reason for the taste of the food isn’t actually in the food, the food is made on the ground and if you eat it grounded, it’s delicious believe it or not. Where the food falters is when you are at high altitude this is due to your taste buds changing and the low humidity drying out our nasal passages meaning we can’t taste salt and spice. Heston Blumenthal was possibly the closest to answering the ongoing question, the answer is in Science the food needs to be adapted to suite the change in taste buds, are we any closer to getting better airline food, we know the key is in Science but who’s going to solve the issue?